The menu lists all required centers and activities for the week along with a list of suggested optional activities. Each group’s menu is slightly different and based on their needs. At the beginning of the week I provide each student with a Literacy Menu (see samples). I don’t have enough room to have permanent centers with trifold boards or other displays most of my centers are contained in laminated manila folders or brown envelopes and can be taken to any location in the room. In my classroom, these are activities rather than physical locations in the room. Literacy Centers or Stations (During Small Group Instruction)Ĭenters are sometimes called Stations in the upper grades. For some great ideas and specific small group lessons, read Making the Most of Small Groups. During the meetings, students take turns reading aloud and I provide assistance with developing fluency or working on comprehension. I have a large rectangular table in my room that I use for my small group meetings. If I’m using Literature Circles, this is the time when I meet with each group. For example, if we worked on making predictions in the whole group lesson, my guided reading lesson would provide additional work with that strategy. My small group instruction generally relates to the whole group lesson.

During my small group meetings, I conduct guided reading lessons or work with the group on a particular reading strategy or skill such as how to conduct research or identify fact and opinion. I generally meet with them 17 or 18 minutes with a few minutes of transition time in between. I meet with all three groups every day, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. However, the groups are flexible and may change from week to week depending on the needs of the students. Small Group Instruction (60 minutes)Īfter the whole group instruction, I divide my class into 3 reading groups, generally based on ability. Fold each half in half again and glue to make a double-sided bookmark. For Paired Reading, download the bookmark page and cut it in half. Sometimes I read aloud and model my thinking. I may assign partners and do Paired Reading, or have students use a cooperative learning structure to discuss a story.

Some days I introduce new spelling words or conduct word wall activities. When I’m using the Balanced Literacy Framework for my reading instruction, I use the first 30 minutes of my Literacy Block to introduce new skills and use direct teaching methods. 90 Minute Literacy Block Components 1.